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We're not all talk, here's the proof.

Camp Cho-Yeh

The Haven

Live Like Knox Foundation

Bethesda Christian School

Connect My Church

Howard Kane Plumbing

Aspen Insights

On the Field Music

Kelly Decker Law firm

Novaria Group

Covenant Christian

Rightwise Prep


Rhino Health

Axe and Horn Meadery

Church Realty


Gladney Adoption Center


Grace Prep

Nelson Forensics

Bloom Strategy

Carnomaly & Carrdefi

Christmas Card


Turnkey Outreach

Ironwood Cyber


Amira Windmiller Interiors

Alcon Science

South Bend Estates

Bethesda Christian School

Novaria Group

Our Community Our Kids

Connect My Church

Camp Cho-Yeh

Live Like Knox Foundation


Bloom Strategy

Aspen Insights

Howard Kane Plumbing

On the Field Music

Rhino Health

Alcon Science


Carnomaly & Carrdefi


Church Realty

Rightwise Prep

Bethesda Christian School

Turnkey Outreach

Kelly Decker Law firm

Ironwood Cyber

Nelson Forensics

Amira Windmiller Interiors

Gladney Adoption Center

South Bend Estates


Covenant Christian

Live Like Knox Foundation


Carnomaly & Carrdefi


TCU Marketing

Gladney Adoption Center

The Haven

Bloom Strategy

Live Like Knox Foundation

Novaria Group

South Bend Estates

Connect My Church

Amira Windmiller Interiors

Axe and Horn Meadery

On the Field Music

Kelly Decker Law firm

Covenant Christian

Carnomaly & Carrdefi


Rightwise Prep

Rhino Health


Turnkey Outreach

Church Realty


Howard Kane Plumbing

Bethesda Christian School


Ardent Creative's TCU logo prominently displayed on a white background.
Frank Kent logo on a white background created by Ardent Creative.
Crossfit DFW logo with Ardent Creative.
The logo for pizzaria testa, showcasing an ardent and creative design.
Bison coolers logo on a white background, designed by Ardent Creative.
The logo represents the creative spirit of Ardent.

We are proud of our great clients. We’re honored to work with each one.

Like a productive family, healthy client relationships are a founding principal of our company. We include you as a part of our team, because we see our work as an extension of your business.

The logo design for Fort Worth Dream Park created by Ardent Creative.
Samsung networks logo on a white background showcasing ardent creativity.
Ardent Creative's Freeflight Systems logo on a white background.
A logo for the about ardent creative gratitude initiative.
The ardent logo for alcon is creatively brilliant.
The logo for tnb, an ardent and creative bank for life.
Grace prep logo on a white background featuring ardent creative.
Nelson forensics logo on a white background created by ardent creative.
Ardent Creative logo on a white background.
The logo representing the University of Texas at Arlington, designed by the creative team at Ardent.
Work with Us.

Brand Activation

Informational Brochure
Wholesale Line Sheet
Press Media Kit
Marketing Postcard
Door Hanger
Apparel items (2)

PowerPoint Template (6 pages)
Social Media Skins (3 platforms)
Instagram Cover Stories (6)
Animated Logo Intro
Basic MailChimp Template

Informational Brochure
Wholesale Line Sheet
Press Media Kit
Marketing Postcard
Door Hanger
Apparel items (2)
PowerPoint Template (6 pages)
Social Media Skins (3 platforms)
Instagram Cover Stories (6)
Animated Logo Intro
Basic MailChimp Template