When we get a new team member, someone on the digital marketing team usually writes a blog post for them based on their answers to a series of questions. However, since Meghan is on the digital marketing team and does some of our copywriting, we decided to let you read her raw answers. We think you’ll enjoy them as much as you’ll enjoy getting to know her.
The one mandatory question: Tell us a little about yourself
I was born in Lubbock, Texas, but moved to Fort Worth with my family when I was three. Being a Fort Worth gal, I decided to pursue an education at Texas Christian University and eventually graduated with a degree in writing. I spent some time interning with TCU’s marketing department and learned about Ardent while I was there! (Ardent does quite a bit of work for TCU.) When I saw an opening for a content producing position with Ardent I jumped on it as soon as I could – best decision ever.
What do you do when you aren’t working?
I mostly spend time with my husband, daughter, and extended family and friends. Any time I can be with them while exploring Fort Worth or trying new restaurants is my favorite time. We’re all big sports fanatics, so during baseball season we’re constantly at Rangers games and, during football season, we’re either throwing a gameday party or attending one! I also like to spend time working on my house. Unfortunately, HomeGoods has all of my money.
Favorite trip you’ve taken?
We spent our honeymoon in Antigua. The beaches were stark-white, the ocean was a true aqua-blue, and the locals were so kind and welcoming. It was absolutely the most beautiful place I’ve ever been and I cannot wait to go back.
Do you have a nickname?
Growing up, my family would call me “Mocha” or “Megs.” I think everyone knows better than to call me by those names nowadays. ????
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?
If we’re going off of personality, I’d like to see Tina Fey cast as me. If we’re going off of appearance, I’d like to see Eva Mendes cast as me because a girl can dream.
If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
It would definitely be some kind of creamy pasta with a glass of red wine.
Least favorite food?
Keep any sort of shellfish far, far away from me. Especially crab, lobster, or shrimp – can’t you all see that you’re eating sea bugs?!
What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?
I’m just so grateful I have a job for which I’m paid to be creative. I love to write and I love to create beautiful things. This job allows me to do both of those things while working with other brilliant, creative people.
What did you want to be when growing up?
As a small child I dreamed of being a veterinarian but that dream flew the coop when I learned you have to be good at math to make it through that particular coursework ;). I began looking toward a career in PR during my teen years and, of course, that eventually morphed into marketing or advertising aspirations!
What is an ability you wish you had?
Did you hear about the writer who jumped out the window on the 15th floor? He could have gone to the 16th, but that’s another story.
What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
This is lamest answer ever but I would immediately put a huge chunk of it aside for my daughter’s future college expenses. And then immediately afterward I’d simply go after my dream home!
What is your hidden talent?
I have no idea where this ability comes from, but I can crochet. Like, really really crochet. Really well. I even considered selling my items on Etsy. So random. So old-lady-like.